Being - ''REALISTIC"

 So, here I was reading a book 📖 that I will definitely review after completing, and the questions in this book that has shaken me up. So, there was this question:

  1. How is being “realistic” or “responsible” keep you from the life you want?

Reading this shook me for a bit and made me realize that actually being realistic has really only made me ignore my creative side. As a kid, we are all this force to be reckoned with because we always question the system and the belief, we ask 'why' after every sentence, we become determined about creating this world in which we believe. We have this inner potential and energy to change the world for a better place, to search for the unknown, and to be unapologetic. We make many mistakes along the way but we easily accept them, learn from them and move on for the next new adventure.

But as we grow up we want to be this real person who has a decent job, a house and is settled for a whole life. I know it may sound great to some and even this idea is okay everyone has their own preferences. But I am talking about those daydreamers who want to travel the world and then maybe somewhere in the corner of the world find a place which they can call home because it feels like home to them and not because they have no options left. To have a job which they love and adore and can't wait to get started on it every day. The search for the true self. To go on this journey we have to be unrealistic, imaginative, and able to take risks.

What do you think the world would have been like if Nicola Tesla, Thomas Edison, and the Wright brothers were realistic? Take risks to say yes to those ambitions of yours, to those hobbies that you think you will develop later, trust me, at last, you will only regret why didn't you do it back then when it was just one step away.  Be someone who does not seek permission but if you mess up then simply apologize and move forward. Be imaginative and know that responsibility and reality will adjust according to you. Rather than being realistic, turn your ideas into reality.

 In words of the Will smith :

"Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity."

So above all were my thoughts about what being unrealistic does to you and some quotations I absolutely love and adore.

This is my thought it may be different from yours but it is an idea. You may share your idea in the comments. Thank you for reading.


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