What does battle mean ?

..Is it some poweful oligarchs playshow or is it death of humanity on every level.. 

Why would two people fight for a certain piece of land which technically belongs to everyone, I know law, borders and politics but I would ask do you know love, empathy and kindness.

 Do you people in power know that the loss in any form whether it's of a soldier or a citizen is loss to humanity as a whole you say you all are concerned and this all for the well being but how does it effect you?? you are not the one who has lost someone close to you, you are not the one who is waiting for his son to return from his duty, you are not the one who is somewhere to create their future but end up being a war victim. You know what, you just have to show a little empathy. Is that too much to ask for.

Today you may all be well aware of the situation in Ukraine. People all across the world stand in solidarity that we don't want war even the Russians themselves are protesting against the war then why is the situation escalating, who is the one responsible? Is it a diplomatic failure of one side or rather we should conclude that both the sides have some vested interest which being paid by normal citizen or rather the whole humanity. Why can't everyone just join hand and stand as a wall and say in one sentence "we don't want this war".


 It kills our people and children, plants and animals it kills through a very bad medium that humans killing fellow humans just on the basis of some random hatred flagged up by certain groups. Why can't we all come to collective acknowledgement that their is nither a bad peace nor a good war.

The palnet that we live in, is so vast..there are mountains, plateau, plains, deserts, grassland, iceland, islands...there are so many cultures and on every kilometer or so, exist a different way in which people live..the food varies sweet, savoury, spicy and how can we not talk about festivals and languages and music....there is so much here that a whole lifetime would be less to capture this wonderous environment and each of it's element.

Then why even after realising all this, we are robbing some of our fellow humans chance to feel and live this moment. Again remember, there is...


No Bad Peace Nor A Good War

These were my observations and seeing that everyone is seeing their selective benefits rather than having a collective solution shook me to the core made me question everything. I can for now only hope that this ruthless war which is never fatal but always a lost, stops.



(P.S. Thank you people for reading earlier posts and showing all your love)


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