Going through the internet today I found out about this trend called ''that girl'' , at first I thought it's just another useless trend but it turned out to be quiet remarkable. I too have always wanted to be a certain person of my own who is just the best. So, as you may have figured out this is all about being your best version.

For a long time now, I have ignored myself and my own priorities. I have had fair share of ups and downs but I guess where first I looked at the positive side of everything now I have become someone who is just counting all the worst thing that ever happened to me. I am killing my energy as I am going through the worst phase and I am at bottom, if you have had read my earlier post you may know and as I had said before when all things fall apart it's the best time to rebuild something you have always dreamed to create, to invent and to discover  and that is ''that girl''. 


I think she is different for different people. As for me she is calm, collected and confident. She is someone who completes the work she sets her mind to. She is ambitious and kind. She is a walking contradiction

She  make her own decision. She is in good health and eats healthy. She has balance between work hours and family time. She is determined and driven from the inside towards her goal. She loves herself and is proud of herself. She doesn't play the blame game and take responsibility of her mistakes. She also learns from her mistake to never repeat them again. She knows to forgive but not to forget. She knows her strength as well as her weakness. Books are magical world to her where along with the mystical creatures she finds an unknown side of her own personality. She works hard and is a achiever. It's not like she never fails but she knows that if something is learned from that failure it's not a failure anymore. She is warm, beautiful and limitless. The sky is only beginning for her. She cannot be classified.


I am currently suffering from a lot of distraction and anxiety. I am crying for no reason and I am mostly unmotivated. Though the last week were a little better but I still feel like I am in the middle of the ocean and the shore is not visible. But that does not mean that I will give up. So, I am starting this journey towards becoming ''that girl'' who I know is present within me, just need a little bit of shaking. She is present may be she fell half way but now she dusting herself and standing again. From today the challenges are starting, these are few steps to show myself what I am capable of, I can and I will  reach my goals. I know it's not that easy to completely restart but  at this point it's now or never. Babe I know you can. These missions will be some of my ideas , some from books and some from people from day to day life. I will write about these weekly. The way it affected my life whether it improved me for better or didn't work. May be if anyone of you are struggling from the same problem you can start this journey with me. You are always welcomed in Sam's world.


Hello, I am Simran ( SAM ). I am currently preparing for medical entrance examination. I am starting a journey and open heartedly welcoming you all to Sam's world. If you have any question leave it in comments. Let the journey begin.


  1. I was getting a lot of anxiety last year especially. I know exactly how you feel. There are days where you are fine, however there are others where you feel as if you're drowning in a sea of emotions. This is something I have related to for many years now. Even if you feel as if you make progress, you feel as if you're pushed back. Despite that, you still keep fighting, knowing that at some point you'll get there, even if it takes a while. Sometimes, it feels like you've lost yourself, but the truth is that your true self is always there, it's just buried deep inside. I hope you are able to become a version of yourself that you love and are proud of.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and kind words. It really means a lot to me. Let's hope we both achieve our goals. Sending lots of love and good wishes.


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