Vaccination day

 After all the hard work paid off. I got the appointment for getting my first Covid-19 jab, on 5th June night, at 8:57 pm to be exact and got the appointment for 6th June's afternoon. Well being the fellow human species I think you would know that today in the priority list of every single human species vaccination is at the top. Till now it's the only thing that can protect us from this dreadful corona virus. 

Let's start from the beginning, after trying to get the appointment from last month we finally got the timing when the portal gets updated for slot booking and only after three days of hard work on learning to click fast helped me get the slot registered. First, you need maybe two to three people and a phone for alarm. You set the alarm for 20 minutes before the slot opens, then the fastest computer operator of your home sits on the computer, someone along their side to keep a close eye on the available slots and lastly maybe few family members to hype you up and magic happens you finally get the appointment. It's a bit hectic but fun moment. The expressions are priceless when you get a vaccination appointment. If you are alone my friend then best of luck to you and I hope that you get your jab soon.

Now, here comes the day of vaccination you get to your daily routine and by afternoon ready to get vaccinated. My parents got their 1st jab earlier so they were like go ahead kid. I left home with a smile and a question will the injection hurt? Every child's question and papa being like not at all. 

The destination was a administrative sector and give me a few seconds to just talk about it's beauty. It was a beautiful campus surrounded by long palm trees, long left colonial building and mango trees with full grown mangoes as we move along, the hedges leads us to round campus with two hostel building side by side. On the ground floor of the building was the vaccination center.

Finally, I go to the room along with papa to take a form where we have to fill form and get the pass. The next room was a big room with two nurses and this where I get vaccinated and papa taking my pictures and sending them to mummy to home. We are then told to sit in the observation for 30 minutes. The waiting room was actually a hostel, like the one where papa trained for his official work, and there came the nostalgic memory. After 30 minutes we take round of campus from far see papa's hostel room, along the way back talk about his fun days in the campus. 

The state governments preparation was really nice. There were informative poster both in Hindi and English. Social distancing was maintained and of course seeing, they were wearing listening to people talk joyfully to their fellow family member about getting their first jab was heartwarming. 

This all made me realize that nobody knows what lie ahead of us. One day the place we had fun memories becomes a camp for vaccination against a virus that humanity could have never imagined. But at the same time we should be thankful that we advanced in technology and science so much that we created vaccine within year and now are we are immune against it. Also, we need to see that we only have one planet to live and all of to have each others back, so it's our collective duty to to keep the planet and loved ones safe.

In the end if you are not vaccinated please go ahead and get vaccinated if not yourself then for your loved ones and fellow humans. This was my vaccination dose 1 story.



  1. Seems like it wad a wholesome trip and you enjoyed it.

    1. Oh!! yes it was and so much nostalgia too. Thanks for reading.

  2. So good and funny too enjoyed it. Keep on writing.


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