A love letter to summer

Lately, things have started to retake pace. The summer holidays are over and I have got things rolling out, contrary to everyone's belief and my own. Well, this was a big chunk of holiday and yeah I have not gone out and travelled, but learned that even by staying back at home I did learn a lot. 

I have started with going back to my books, re-reading at times, spending time with family and knowing that it matters every bit of moment does, watching old albums and laughing out loud at my own videos, watching Papa Love Burgers a little bit more, mummy enjoying while I was experimenting in the kitchen, making plans of travel and I repeat only plans, watching the young one proud while I am learning to code and them having a good laugh at me, having movie nights with papa, a shopping spree with Mumma, and WWE with brother ( I am good at it). Also, rediscovering the creative soul, writing poetry, reading books and a lot of them (so proud), finishing anime series day after day, designing my dreams, writing a goddamn album god knows how, coming back and writing this blog, making my notion page a little bit more aesthetic, enjoying Taylor's era, enjoying Olivia 'Vampire', playing songs so loud as if I am the only one in the entire building, going on a marathon yeah!!!!! a marathon, sneaking out, dancing like crazy, baking, creating a wardrobe, learning sometimes it's good to stay by people, crazy sibling talks, midnight laughter at the loudest, morning walks where laughing with the elder one was the best part, riding on a scooter with mum around the city to find cute kiddo watching you eagerly and then suddenly breaking into the most beautiful and innocent smile, well yeah and how can I even forget like how I was riding a TVS star city bike (Smirk). 

Summer is the love of my life, warm summer, emotions at a peak, creative, happy, yellow, songs, banging, dancing, chirping around, Oh! yeah, a new little green bird visits my window daily to say hello, the greenery around calms my soul, flowers are filling up gardens, and watering them every day has been a joy. So, yeah I have it all vampire, lover, flower, midnights. So, yeah I am painting this summer with all the warm-toned colours. I hope your soul finds some groovy tracks and you feel free to be yourself.

(P.S. posting in winter)


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