She saw what I was going through clearly and he didn't again, there I saw it all how he won't get it ever and she knowingly can't ever do anything. The problem was never that he called that kid to wish her a birthday but that he had not talked to his own child for quite some time because she called him out please talk with respect and character with me and my mother. The problem was not that birthday he wished her but that he had forgotten someone who waited for him so long. The problem was not that he wished her but he ill-treated a guy soon be a man in this world. The problem was not that he wished her but that he forgot about the true smile that a family once had. The problem was not that he wished her but that we lost our hopes. The problem is not that he wished her but that I wanted to live for a while. The problem is not that he wished her but that I lost everything that I once called mine. The problem is never that he wished her but that for once even he didn't call us back. The problem is never that he wished her but that he never saw that someone was always waiting for him down the line.
Do you know what the problem was, it was me.
Who still painted that picture but didn't realise the colour was always blue.
(A day when she saw it all, but he refused again)
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